Monday, March 25, 2013

Monitor Teens Cell Phones to Stop Online Predators

Growing up today is so much different than it was when I grew up.  There was no such thing as no cyber bullying or online predators. However, there are some similarities such as bullying, peer pressure, fitting in with friends and trying to be with the “popular” group. But growing up in the digital age brings cyber bullying and online predators to the forefront to every kid who is connected to the internet through a cell phone or desktop.  With all the troubles and worries tweens and teens have in the real world, it is no wonder why so many tweens and teens turn to the internet and use social networking sites to gain popularity and feel good about themselves. It is no wonder why tweens and teens become friends with strangers online so they can show the “popular” kids they are popular too with so many “friends” on their social networking account. For some teens, the internet is the way for them to escape their real life and start living a cyber-life. 

What should be the parents’ role with tweens and teens in this digital age? It is very hard for tweens and teens to use good judgment to protect themselves when all they think about is being popular and liked by their peers which is why it is so important for parents to take an active role in their kids’ life and talk to them about how to stay safe when online. If there is one rule for parents to remember, it is….. not your kids fault if they become victim of cyber-bullying or an online predator.  It is never too late to start talking to your tween or teen about how to stay safe online, it just might be a little harder.

As a parent, what do you do to protect your kids from cyber bullying and online predators?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Teens and Tumblr

Tumblr has been called, tumblelog and microblogging and if your teen has been talking about wanting a Tumblr account, beware it is another cyber playground for online predators. Tumblr is a social networking site where you can post, blogs, pictures, videos, music, text, quotes from the your cell phone, which is the most popular way, but you can also use your desktop.  Tumblr is really meant for the twenty-something crowd because of its sexual undertones, drugs and language accompanying the posts. Anyone under the age of 13 is prohibited to use Tumblr. This is based on U.S. federal and state legislation.

Tumblr is different from Facebook and MySpace in the idea you are posting more creative images from different media and less text. It is a blogging community on a social networking site. All blogs are public unless you specifically go in and change your settings to private where only your friends can see them. I have heard many times, strangers trying to meet up with teens on Tumblr. If your teen is mature and you decide Tumblr is acceptable for your teen, remember to have parental controls and to talk with him/her about not following any photos which endorse drug use or degrading sexual behavior. These paths can lead to some explicit materials which are not for teens.

Let us know how many parents have let your teens have a Tumblr account and your experience with Tumblr.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Parental Monitoring and Education

With children being exposed and growing up online, parents need to become a part of their child’s digital world in both teaching and parental monitoring. 

As parents join the journey of their child’s milestones, they need to incorporate into their teachings about how to safely use the internet. 

A CNN article stated that by the time American children are 2 years old, 90 percent have an online history. This of course is happening from parents posting information about their children from the time they are born or even before they born. Another statistic stated by the time children are five, more than 50 percent will be using a computer or tablet device as a regular part of their interactions. And by the time teens reach middle school, they text almost 3,500 times a month and spend more time with the media than a parent or teacher. 

So if teens today are spending more time with the media than parents or teachers, just image in ten years how much time teens will be spending on the media or yet think about 7 and 8 year olds,  how they will be absorbed into the digital age. The message here is to educate yourself as parents about the latest trends in technology and begin talking consistently with your children about how to use technology safely. 

How often do you talk with your children about the internet and their online activities?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Parental Monitoring of Smartphones

It only makes sense with the increase demand of the smartphones in the marketplace that parents take a good look at mobile parental controls to help keep kids safe. According to the results from a 2011 survey conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project, called Teens, Smartphones and Texting, the amount of texting among teens between the ages of 12 to 17 years old, increased from 50 texts a day in 2009 to 60 texts for the average teen texter. Remember this is the average teen; I know some teens send and receive anywhere between 200 and 500 texts a day.

In addition, smartphones are gaining teen users. Some 23% of all those ages 12 to17 say they have a smartphone and possession is highest among older teens: 31% of those ages 14 to17 have a smartphone, compared with just 8% of youth ages 12 to13. I am sure this 8% number will increase this year for the 12 to 13 year olds smartphone users. 

What do you think with more teens and tweens owning smartphones and the abundant amount of texting, should parents have mobile parental controls for their kids?