Friday, September 20, 2013

Strike Up a New Conversation

Strike up a new topic of conversation each week with your child. This is a goal for every parent to have and an easier way to stay connected with you child. Parents can put a weekly reminder in their cell phone and even jot down something they may have encountered that they want to talk about. The conversations can take place in the car, at dinnertime or before bedtime (depending on the topic). The point is for parents to prearrange a time or day and topic so the talking begins and continues between the parent and child. Initiating these conversations will start to ease the way for opening the lines communications so parents can teach their children how to be safer when online.

Don’t know where to begin. Parents can start off with small conversations and then build on them over the weeks. Here are some suggested topics to help set the stage for more in-depth conversations of how to stay safe when online: 

  • How do you like playing the new “XYZ” online?  Are your friends playing this game now? Do you want to play the game with me
  • What is your favorite music to download
  • Not everyone on the Internet is who they say they are
  • Did you hear about the latest trend from “celebrity XYZ” or “celebrity XYZ” is donating money to “XYZ cause/charity” or what the magazines are say about “celebrity XYZ”
  • Your personal information about where you live, go to school, name and age should not be shared online
  • I have been seeing more and more pop-up banners, when I go online. I have to remember to close them right away so I don’t click on the banners or contests
If you have never talked to your child about the Internet, don’t get discourage if your child does not take to you initiating conversations with them about the Internet. They may think you don’t know anything about the new technology. Keep at for a few weeks because before you know it your child will start to look forward to them and maybe even start the conversations with you. Remember children get moody sometimes too, just like adults, so there may be some bumps in the road when talking with your child. Some days they may think you are just being nosy; however it is too critical to give up on talking with your child about the Internet.

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