Monday, December 31, 2012

Texting While Driving

What is it when tweens get into a car they immediately start texting? Sometimes I notice they are texting one another, meaning the person sitting right next to them. Are they trying to show each other how fast they can text or are they trying to isolate the other kids in the car. I think it is rude and disrespectful to one another. I compare texting in a car to whispering to another friend but only ruder. 

Parents need to teach their children to think about their actions and how their actions could make another person feel. Here are a couple of questions tweens need to ask themselves when they start texting in a car filled with other peers. How does the tween who is not being texted in the car feel? Would I like to be the tween who is not getting the texts? In our digital age, it is becoming more evident that all children need to be reminded and taught to have basic common courtesy to one another.

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