Establishing a rapport in the early
years with your child will help keep the communication going as they enter
tween and teen years. Parenting a tween is not an easy job, I am sure many
parents will agree with this. No parent wants to be labeled as the intriguing
parent but at the same time parents need to talk with their tweens and teens
about what is going on in their lives and sharing with tweens and teens the happenings
in their own lives. I see many parents texting their tweens which is fine but
as parents we need remember to have a regular conversation with our
tweens. It is never too late to start a relationship with your tween or teen,
but the sooner the talking happens the better. And remember don’t give up when
you get the cold shoulder or the hurtful words from your tween or teen; just
stay strong and committed to your children.
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