Thursday, March 22, 2012

Staying on Top of Online Trends

With the growing popularity of smartphones and social networking, more and more research on cyber-bullying is being conducted. Justin Patchin, PhD.  has studied the subject for ten years. He has talks with parents and teens about the importance of communicating frequently, citing that about one in four students will have experienced cyber-bullying by the age of 18. "A lot of time kids don't feel comfortable talking with their parents about what they're experiencing, what they're seeing because they don't think their parents will understand or see the big harm in it," Dr. Patchin said. What Dr. Patchin points out in his research, brings up an important message to parents, they need to stay abreast of the latest trends in the internet world so they feel comfortable talking to their kids about what is happening whether you bring it up or your children bring up the issue to you. Because of course, your kids will find out about the latest trends in a good way or a bad way. So I know we would rather have our kids learn about the latest trends on the internet from their parents rather from the latest gossip at school or even worse a strange they meet online.

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